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Partnership with DFGE: Exciting Steps Towards a Carbon Neutral Losberger De Boer.

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In the fast-paced world of modular space solutions, we at Losberger De Boer want to stand out not only for our top-notch space solutions but also for our commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR). To further enhance and accelerate our CSR initiatives, we engaged DFGE, an external specialist in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) & Sustainability Intelligence. DFGE is helping us calculate our Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF), extend our Ecovadis rating and prepare for the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This are exciting steps towards creating a Carbon Neutral Losberger De Boer.

 Building Sustainable Foundations  

At Losberger De Boer, sustainability is not a mere buzzword; it's more and more a mindset for how we conduct business. This extends beyond minimizing environmental impact; it encompasses cultivating a company where employees thrive, fostering long-term partnerships with clients and suppliers, and ensuring responsible practices for the well-being of current and future generations.  

Partnering with sustainability expertise  

DFGE was founded in 1999 as a spin-off of the Technical University of Munich, and has been dealing with life cycle assessments, sustainability calculations and corporate social responsibility for more than two decades. DFGE offers consulting, software, and auditing services to companies to enable them to realize a green vision and integrate it into their daily business.  

Meeting Market Demands  

Our commitment to sustainability is already reflected in the long-standing partnerships with employees, customers, and suppliers, emphasizing the significance of a collaborative approach in achieving shared sustainability goals. In response to the evolving market landscape, we recognize the growing interest and need to integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) objectives into our projects, and have made significant steps in the past two decades.   

Strategic Sustainability  

We are now working with DFGE to embed sustainability more structurally into our core operations, measuring success through concrete Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), comprehensive reports, and continuous improvement programs. From calculating carbon emissions to addressing specific inquiries on sustainable construction, we are aligning our practices with the broader sustainability agenda, driven by a strong business case.   


Innovation Driven by Sustainability  

We understand that sustainability is a catalyst for innovation. By embracing sustainable practices, we are looking to not only minimize our environmental impact, but also drive innovation. This innovation spans the use of new materials and technologies aimed at reducing energy consumption and waste generation. It positions us as a forward-thinking partner, providing smarter and more sustainable solutions to our clients.   


Losberger De Boer's commitment to sustainability is not just a statement; it's a journey towards a greener future. The partnership with DFGE exemplifies the company's dedication to continuous improvement and aligning its practices with global sustainability standards. As we pave the way for responsible and sustainable construction, it reaffirms our role as a conscientious industry leader, building spaces that not only wow at events but also contribute to a better world.